
Welcome to my website. As the name of the domain suggests (at least to people who know a bit of German and physics) the site is mainly devoted to quantum mechanics; especially its history, foundation and interpretation. But it contains also some other material, related to my teaching and other fields of interest. Especially in the latter case I should say that interest and expertise do not always coincide... And there is an other thing I should mention: many of the downloadable papers are in German. Especially the old material from the 20s and 30s, since German was the scientific lingua franca of that time. Perhaps I even provide a motivation for somebody to learn German!

Foundation of Quantum mechanics
Philosophy of science (and mathematics)
Philosophy on YouTube
Other projects

Selected publications (html)
Full list of publications (pdf)
Short CV (html)
Arbeit zum Karlsruher Physikkurs

Worth reading
Useful links

Links für die Schularbeit (für mich und andere Lehrer...)

Schülerbereich (tatsächlich für Schüler...)

Seite zur Veranstaltung "Didaktik der Linearen Algebra (SoSe 2012)"